
After Successful Work and Business, She Wants to Become an Ambassador for Indonesia


After Successful Work and Business, She Wants to Become an Ambassador for Indonesia

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Mrs. Yunni Indrani Widjaja SE., MBA With Gubernur Lemhannas RI Letjen TNI (Purn) Agus Widjojo

Jakarta – Having the ability and experience in various fields has made Yunni Indrani Widjaja more mature in making attitudes and decisions. Not only mature in world of business, but also mature in education fields as well as industry and politics.

The owners of some companies have more than 20 years of professional experience in various industries. At work, integrity and loyalty are the most held in her life.

“Work is a mandate that we have to do well and seriously. Therefore, when I get the mandate, I will do it maximize , ”said Yunni, owner of JNJ Cafe and Bakery on Kalimalang street, Jakarta.

Yunni Indrani also has high dedication in the world of education in Indonesia. She is an active lecturer in some Universities in Indonesia and overseas. In addition, She is also active as lecturer in entrepreneurship major in universities and also government agencies.

“Education or science for me is very important. Therefore, to change the nation’s successor generation towards the future of advanced Indonesia “Indonesia Maju” it must start from education, ”She explained. Yunni continues to study in various super power countries such as China (as 50 best netpreneurs are invited by Alibaba business school 2019 and others) to updating her knowledge and education in the new era globalization and digitalization

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This woman who is active as Vice Chairman Permanent Committee Regional Investment in Chambers of commerce Kadin also get elected In LEMHANNAS PPRA LX graduate few months ago with predicate cumlaude.

Innovative and entrepreneurship 

As a woman, it is not easy to build a business. However, Yunni Indrani proved that women can run a business well in the midst of their busy life as parents.

Besides owning JNJ Cafe and Bakery, Yunni has several companies in the field of tourism, consulting, mining, agriculture and others.

In the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic situation like today, Yunni gave tips to entrepreneurs so they can survive and are expected to be better prepared to face the challenges after the pandemic.

“Protective, budget cutting and innovative by maximizing online marketing through platforms that are currently widely available,” she said.

In the world of tourism, Yunni Indrani has been named ad tourism ambassador, speaker and consultant for halal tourism. In various countries, he has succeeded in increasing the number of tourist visits to several countries such as Taiwan, Palestine, egypt and others.

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Recently, this woman who has a hobby of traveling has also get a honor royal title from the Keraton Surakarta family by earning the Royal Title of Kanjeng MasAyu Mandayaretna.

Mrs. Yunni Indrani With Sinohoen Tedjowulan Surakarta and Sultan Paser Adrian

According to Yunni, the title was given to her and to be honor because given by Sinuhun Tedjowulan.

“Hopefully in the future it can bring its own image and pride in bringing Surakarta’s local culture to global international market,” she said.

Even in the midst of a pandemic situation, Yunni continues to work by providing community service. For her, now is the right time to help the Indonesian nation and state.

“Now is the timing how to help the country. Now I want to serve my country Indonesia. Everything that I have been through and earned is enough for myself and my family. Now I want to serve my country, ”she explained.

The goal she wants to achieve is to become an ambassador for Indonesia in overseas.

“Hopefully with education, experience and networking overseas her wish can be granted,” she prayed.

According to Yunni Indrani, the key to success in running a business or organizational life are commitment, consistency and focus.

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